What to expect:

  • One worship service is held each Sunday morning at 9:00 AM.
  • Communion services are held the first Sunday of each month.
    • We practice close communion which means communion is reserved for our members or those of other churches in fellowship with the Wisconsin Ev. Lutheran Synod.  If you are interested in joining our church and receiving communion with us please speak with our pastor.  We’d love to have you join us!
  • After the worship service:
    • on the first Sunday of the month, there is a fellowship gathering in the church Fellowship Hall.
    • on the second through fifth Sundays, we have Bible Studies in the church Fellowship Hall.
  • Facing the front, four (4) pews on the back left behind the entry aisle and three (3) pews immediately in front of the entry aisle are reserved for parents with young children.
  • If you are wheelchair bound, there is a handicap space on the left side immediately in front of the entry aisle.

Click on our previous service bulletins for examples of service format, announcements, and more.